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2024-2025 Annual Tuition for Students in full-day kindergarten through 8th Grade is $7,050. A Pay in Full or 10-installment payment plan is available for tuition of $705.00 per installment payment. To register for the upcoming school year complete the online admissions application. $200 Online registration deposit must be paid to reserve your students enrollment.

St. John’s Lutheran Church provides financial aid  opportunities, as needed, to help offset tuition for families.  For available financial aid information, please review the appropriate flyer or inquire at the school office.

St. John's Tuition Schedule (PDF)

Student Eligibility
  • Students entering Kindergarten must be 5 years of age before September 30th 
  • Preschool Program (must meet the age cut-off and be completely potty trained)
  • 3 or 4 year old preschool of age by September 30th
  • Alternative Kindergartners 5 years of age by December 31st

Registration Fees

There is a non-refundable $200 Registration deposit due at the time of registration.

Installment Payment Plan

A 10-month installment payment plan is available to all families. Monthly payments are due on the 1st of every month (September - May) paid through your FACTS account. If fees are not paid in full by the 10th a $50.00 late fee will be assessed.

Church Missional Support

For over 150 years the mission of St. John’s Lutheran Church congregation has been partnering with parents in the financial support of Christian Education at St. John's Lutheran School. Our mission is supported through weekly congregational financial offerings and prayer-filled support for St. John's Lutheran School. The congregation thanks you for the privilege of partnering with you in equipping your kids to be disciples as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

Preschool Tuition

Registration for the upcoming school year opens on January 26th. To confirm your students enrollment for the upcoming school year online applications and registration fees must be paid to ensure your students enrollment. Annual Tuition per preschooler is based on the number of days per week the classes meet. Annual tuition or 10-installment plan is as follows:

  • 5 days/week is $3,000.00/annual or $300.00/payment
  • 3 days/week $2,500/annual or $250.00/payment
  • 2 day/week $1,900.00/annual or $190.00/payment
Class Offerings

AM Session (9:00 - 11:15 AM) PM Session (12:15 - 2:30 PM)

3 Year Olds
Mon/Wed/Fri AM, Tues/Thurs AM or Tues/Thurs PM. 

4 Year Olds
Mon/Wed/Fri AM or PM Tues/Thurs AM or PM
Alternative Kindergarten
Monday-Friday AM or PM
AM Session (8:30 - 11:15 AM)PM Session (11:45 - 2: 30 PM)

Start Dates: 4 Year Old Classes start the first week after Labor Day. 3 Year Old Classes start the 2nd full week in September. Alternative Kindergarten Classes start the first Monday after K-8th Grade (3rd week in August)

JEC Tuition Schedule

Child care is available through the Jaguar Education Connection (JEC) Monday through Friday, 6:30 AMto 6:30 PM. $50.00 commitment fee is assessed with your 1st payment.

2024-2025 JEC School Year Rate Schedule 

  • $5.00/child weekly credit applies to families with 2 or more full-time children.
  • Additional fees may apply for added time such as 2-hour delays or school-day closures.
    • 2-hour delays are billed to K-8 families at $5 per incident for regularly attending students.  Drop-Ins are billed at the hourly rate.
    • Holiday and school day weather closures are billed at $25 per K-8 student and $20 per Pre-school student in addition to normal weekly fee.
  • Credit will be given to those families that have a scheduled vacation with at least 2 weeks advance notice given to the JEC administration.
  • No credit is issued for sick days/unforeseen absences.
  • See JEC Director Amy Balderson or Asst. Director Jennie Everhart for additional rates)